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Fujisawa-sensei having a great laugh.  From TV episode 18.
Fujisawa looks serious.  Now that IS new!
Fujisawa blushes.  Probably at Miss Miz!
Jinnai Katsuhiko doing what he does best...look like a crazy man!
Jinnai really loves the Bugrom style of home cooking!
Jinnai sneers.  Nothing new here!
Same thing we do every night, Pinky: Try to take over the world!!
Makoto beats feet, briefcase in hand.
A dramatic shot of Makoto in his Ura-armor.
Makoto's eyes, the driving force that moves the story of El Hazard forward.
Makoto under a dome.
Jinnai Nanami, at her restaurant.  Great book cel!
Nanami is so surprised, she's cross-eyed!

Fujisawa blushes.  Probably at Miss Miz!
Sequence: A1 end
Layers: 1
Sketch: None
Background: None

El Hazard - Humans (13)
Here's a great closeup of a blushing Fujisawa-sensei. Oh, how I wish they'd included the mouth layer! If I ever find the exact spot this comes from, I'll have to digitally fudge one. Wait... maybe that's what the scribbled-out notation says... "Nah, forget about the mouth, who needs it?"

Made it here

The copyright for all character images is held by their respective creators.
Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.